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“Alone, we can do so little;
together, we can do so much.”
– Helen Keller

Who we are

TheSharedWorld is a strategic advisory firm focused on driving change towards a sustainable future through collaboration, connection and community.  


Founded by CEO and global citizen Vanessa Ibarra, TheSharedWorld exists to bridge humanity’s most pressing initiatives with the resources, opportunities and partnerships needed to accelerate their impact on both a local and international level.


With a focus on human rights, sustainability, technology & innovation, climate & energy and social initiatives, TheSharedWorld leverages decades of experience in economic development, global commerce and community engagement to create concrete end-to-end solutions for nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and corporations alike.


No matter how big or small your idea, if it serves humanity and needs help coming to life,
we’re in. 

Let’s Build Together


Proudly based in Atlanta, GA USA


(+1) 404-583-0898

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri

8:00 am – 8:00 pm


9:00 am – 7:00 pm


9:00 am – 9:00 pm

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